Iran’s biggest secret: the skiing’s great

Dom Joly – guardian: It all started with a photograph in a magazine I picked up in a Parisian dentist’s waiting room (it’s a long story, but if you really must know I chipped my tooth on a weirdly bony sausage). Anyway, I was flicking through the pages when I saw this great photo. It was of two women in full burkhas, the all-encompassing black robes favored by women in strict Islamic countries. So far, so ethnic, but these women, so representative of everything that is alien and strange to us about Islam, were skiing. It was a striking image and I had to know more.
Continue reading Iran’s biggest secret: the skiing’s great

International Alpine ski Competition in Shemshak, Iran

The third international Alpine ski competition in big and spiral Shemshak Ski Resort was held in January 2013 and Pooria Saveh Shemshaki va Ziba Kalhor were the winners. Pooria was the representative of Azerbaijan Copper (Mese Azerbaijan) club and Ziba was Boss Café representative (Kafe rees) in these competitions.

Slalom skiing:


1- Pooria Saveh Shemshaki (Mes e Azerbaijan)
2- Hossein Saveh Shemshaki (Mes e Azerbaijan)
3- Morteza Jafari (Trust Club)


1- Marjan Kalhor (Mes e Azerbaijan)
2- Mitra Kalhor (Poweride club)
3- Fatemeh Kiadarbandsari (Trust Club)


1- Trust Club                     2146 score
2- Mes e Azerbaijan Club 1933 score
3- Poweride Club              1164 score


Source: Islamic Republic Of Iran SKI Federation, Photo: Iran Trust Facebook